Gary Wilson
March 11, 1950 – July 7, 2023
Gary grew up in Hamilton/Stoney Creek area and although he loved all sports, his true love and passion was the game of baseball. He was a big stature of a guy, but had a heart of gold. His baseball journey started at Stoney Creek Optimist Grasshopper behind Collegiate Avenue School before a diamond was built next to the Little League Park. Graduating to Little League, he made the All-Star Team in 1962 where they won the Canadian Championship and also then travelled with his 12 teammates to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Three years later after winning the Canadian Senior Little League Championship, he travelled to Des Moines, Iowa for the Senior Little League World Series as well. Playing ball at the Junior level came next under one of the best coaches Stoney Creek had to offer, Ray Poloniato. His teams made it to the OBA finals in all three years.
Coaching then became his passion where he coached numerous teams, including All-Star Teams, before moving to the Inter County teams in Kitchener/Toronto where he was considered a true players coach. His players had great respect for Gary and always played their hearts out for him. Eventually, this led him to starting the Ontario Blue Jays which showed his true passion for the game of baseball. He coached many outstanding baseball players over his tenure, spending numerous summers travelling through the USA playing National Teams, Colleges and Universities while having tremendous success. Nearly all of his players caught the eyes of MLB Scouts and College coaches and went on to have successful careers at both the collegiate and professional levels. Players such as Adam Stern, Peter Orr and Scott Thorman to name a few. He often said his best times were with the Ontario Blue Jays Organization.
Throughout his career in baseball, Gary made contacts and friends from across Canada and the USA. His knowledge and ability to manage the game effectively brought praise from many in the baseball world. He was known for always having his team go up to bat first and getting runs to often win games in that first inning.
Gary always stayed in touch with his players, colleagues, and other coaches until his recent death. Canada lost a brilliant baseball mind, but the impact he leaves and the difference he made in so many young men will always be remembered. To this day, many players speak so fondly and vividly of the time they spent under his watch and guidance.

Rest in peace, big guy…
Written By: His four, long time Little League teammates.